A Humble Learning Enterprise -- Zhongde Heavy Industries
Release Time:December 07th,2018    Leave Us Message    

The era of knowledge economy is coming, so the competition among enterprises is competition of the quality of employees. High quality employees will form high quality enterprises, while the high quality of staff depends on their strong learning ability, which is the only advantage of competition among enterprises.

Therefore, if Zhongde Heavy Industries wants to gain a firm foothold in the market and win the competition, it must become a learning enterprise, such as encouraging employees to learn constantly, updating their knowledge structures and maximize their ability.

What’s the meaning of a learning enterprise?

A learning enterprise is a modern enterprise which is based on the shared vision, is characterized by team learning, is people-oriented, and aims at improving people's comprehensive quality.

Zhongde Heavy Industries integrates learning into daily work and life, such as Outstanding Skill Sharing Competition, Monthly Training, Weekly Sharing and so on. During the process, employees get material and spiritual satisfaction in learning and sharing by generous prizes and rewards. Besides, the staff in Zhongde have the sense of belonging by team travelling and regular meal.

In the course of operation, Zhongde Heavy Industries regards building a learning-type enterprise as the ultimate strategic goal, liberates the mind, realizes the idea innovation, actively promotes the management idea, and strengthens the development and management of human resources.

Zhongde strives to establish a continuous learning concept and mechanism, enhance the awareness and ability of employees to learn, and form a strong team learning atmosphere in the enterprise, so as to achieve the goal of common development of employees and enterprises.

If you want to learn more about Zhongde Heavy Industries and our products, please feel free to contact us online.

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